
3D Printed Robot Legs

Date: July 2024

Assisted in the design and development of 3D printed robot legs by manually assembling components, integrating servo motors, programming an Arduino for movement control, and creating a Servo Control UI to manage servo-motor angles in real-time.

3D Printed Robot Legs Image
Servo Control UI Image

Autonomous Scavenger Robot

Date: Apr 2024

This project involved the design and development of an autonomous scavenger robot capable of navigating a defined area, identifying valuable objects (gems), and sorting them based on their color. The robot was built to operate in hazardous environments, where it autonomously collected objects, sorted them, and returned to a designated home base.

Autonomous Scavenger Robot Image

Autonomous Obstacle-Avoidance Car

Date:Apr 2023

Role: Embedded Systems Developer

Worked in a group of 3 to develop an obstacle-detecting autonomous car, outlining behavior with state diagrams and implementing pseudocode for embedded system simulation. Reconfigured a Raspberry Pi for WLAN communication, and setting up SSH, Python3, and necessary libraries. Designed and optimized a flexible navigation system for autonomous adaptation and decision-making.

Autonomous Scavenger Robot Image

AI News Finder Program

Date: Dec 2023

Developed an AI News Finder program in a team of four, utilizing AI, data analysis, and back-end technologies to retrieve news articles related to "Artificial Intelligence" from Reddit and Aylien APIs, and associated videos from YouTube using the YouTube API.

The program successfully retrieved, organized, and analyzed data from multiple sources, providing valuable insights into current trends in Artificial Intelligence. The results were presented in a user-friendly Excel sheet, offering a clear view of AI-related news and videos.

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